Digital rights and responsibilities

In this section I will be referring to the IIE and giving them guidelines to which they should adhere regarding student.

Acceptable use policy

Computer and or computer services are provided for educational purpose and research consistent with the educational mission, curriculum and instructional goal.


Student must comply with all board polices, school rules and expectations concerning student conduct and communication when using computers or computer services, whether on or off school property.

Student also must comply with all specific instructions from school staff and volunteers when using the computers or computer services.

Roles and responsibilities

School will establish a periodic reporting requirement to measure the compliance and effectiveness of this policy

The school is responsible for implementing the requirements of this policy, or documenting non-compliance via the method described under exception handling.

All student are required to read and acknowledge the reading of this policy

An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a policy that shapes, in writing, how a school network or internet connections used to access school or Internet-based information. Similar to terms of service document, an AUP should define publicly what is deemed acceptable behaviour from users of hardware and information systems such as the Internet and any application networks.

Many schools address both acceptable and unacceptable online behaviour in their AUPs, but also defining positive goals for incorporating technology into the school day. Additionally AUPs also can help comply with E-rate requirements set forth by the children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Today’s educators have the difficult job of maintaining the balance of protecting students while providing access to the digital world. Educators need to be comprehensive yet not limiting when creating a stimulating but safe learning environment. An AUP is a first step in framing these opportunities


Graves, A. (2015). What is acceptable use policy (AUP)? – Definition [Online] Available at: [Accessed21 may 2015].

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